Soft Addictions are those seemingly harmless habits like over-shopping, overeating, watching too much TV, endlessly surfing the internet, procrastinating—that actually keep us from the life we want. They cost us money, rob us of time, numb us from our feelings, mute our consciousness, and drain our energy. And we all have them.

~ Judith Wright

 What habits keep you from being the Self that you really want to be?

It’s normal to need downtime, to love comfort, or to zone out from time-to-time. But when things feel tough, or when we’re confronting the next stage of our personal growth, or when we’re in emotional pain or just feeling really confused about what to do, many of us find false refuge in “soft” addictions. These are behaviors that don’t serve us at the deepest levels of our physical, emotional, and spiritual health, but that provide temporary comfort in exchange for some of our precious time & life force.

Today’s episode is all about these soft addictions that almost all of us (myself included!) contend with. You’ll learn some strategies and ways of thinking to start to address the soft addictions in your own life with compassion and strength.