Being addicted to being busy isn’t just harmful for your health and your personal relationships; it’s part of what’s preventing us from taking a powerful stand for the change we want to see in the world.

Decluttering your daytimer will absolutely lead to a happier nervous system, less stress, and more time for the people you love—but you knew that already. What if I told you that this constant flitting about, overworking, and over functioning that many of us (including myself) get trapped in is actually a way to virtually guarantee that we’re not going to keep running ourselves and our planet into the ground?

I’ve been reading and listening to Andrew Harvey’s work with keen interest in the last four weeks, and his writing has opened my heart to a new way to think about how I manage my time & energy. Today, I invite you to scan through your week with an exercise borrowed from my theater days, and to really consider how your schedule reflects (or doesn’t) your values.

Here’s a link to The Hope, the book mentioned in today’s episode. I highly recommend it.